Sunday, January 30, 2011

BiG Gurl Luv...Now This One Never Disappoints...I'mma Go with 10

Amber Riley via AP at the 17th Annual SAG Awards

Oh Yeah, I'm a Fatty Case U Were Wondering


SUNDAY GRACE: Where there's Greens there's CHICKEN

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Most Beautiful Girl in the WORLD... Could You BE

Real Beauty Can't Be Bottled Nor Bought

  -V.a. Doll


Art Appreciation


#PAUSE For a Cause...Egyptians Not Going For It ,They Had Enough...RISE THEN

I’ve always wanted to go to Egypt…Can U blame Me #1 I’m a Black Person # 2 some People say Egypt is the cradle of civilization #3 Did I say I was Black and U know how African Americans feel about Africa and especially Nubians… We Obsess and Romanticize… It would be dreamy to do a post about a fab. Vacay in Egypt snorkeling in the Nile But…today happened…The People Went OFF…And it was a reminder Egypt is a Real Place it's not like Alaadin but then again maybe it is cause Alaadin was from the slums, but yeah a Real place where real things Occur with a Present Day History aswell as a Glorious Ancient History...I won’t get into the Deets If U have access to this Blog You Have access to CNN, BBC News etc… I asked one of my friends who is part Egyptian…Nubian Infact I think, to fill me in on the situation…this is what she said…

“They're revolting in Upper (southern) Egypt, as well, it's just not covered as much as what is going on in Cairo. Sadat (the president before Mubarak) was Nubian, but unfortunately, Mubarak has done little to improve their plight - in predominantly Nubian areas decent education is scarce and people are unbelievably poor”- Josey

Egypt is a Real Place one of many countries in Africa where the People aren't satisfied with the way they  are governed...Today the choose to Move...MOVEMENT ...The WORLD is Happening all around Us…

#PLAY back to BLASE

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Want it All Or Nothing AT ALL...LIFE

When U see that it's Possible Ur Mind Won't be Changed... Seeing Is Believing and We Done Seen It All, I guess That's Why We So Blase...Ambitions Just a Given But We Know the Hard Knocks So We Choose Instead To work THE SMART way...It's Like The Elders Say, " Befo' I be Ur Slave I'll Be Burried In My GRAVE...So Yeah I want a Career But I also want a LIFE ...I also Want a LIFE #PAUSE… THAT’s LIFE…Filled with AMPLE CREATIVITY… Ample Vacation Time…AND a LIVEABLE…That’s LIVEABLE WAGE... Know What…SCRATCH That I want to BE BOSS cause Bosses Leave Legacy's For their SEEDS…Get BLASE...BLASEAMBITION…THE AMERICAN WAY

                                                     For Lil Danny xxXO
                                                         -Capitol V


Pretty Dread + Pretty Black x Perky Boob2 = BANGER...All Barbies Are Impossibly Beautiful

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Wussup Witchu , How U Feelin' ???

                                      Pretty Witty Gay...It's one of THEM Days

                                                   - V.a. Doll

Monday, January 24, 2011

I'm From a Little Town where The Leader of The FREE World SLEEPS

Now Jelly That
- Same Ole V

I Over Slept on a Monday morning but what's NEW...WOKE

                                              U Gotta Wake Up to Get Ur Cake UP


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nicki Minaj Walking Judy Jetson Realness in LONDON Town

Nicki Minaj Nicki the Ninja, Nicki Lewinsky,Nicki the Harajuku Barbie Nicki JETSON..ALL That..Ju Know..Nicki the MEF'ING GREAT
                                   - VaVa

Friday, January 21, 2011

IDRISSS...Mad Things to do But I woke Up thinking Bout YOU

My Crush on this Man is Epic at this Point I Idris Elba like people's Great Aunt Denzel Washington...He Does It For Me...I have to meet him who got the connect ???

via EssenceMagazine

via EssenceMagazine

via EssenceMagazine

In the Words of Nicki the Great, Hot Damn Make ME Scream Like Summer Jam I mean Sir U  Must be from the MotherLand, Exscuse me you'r e a hell of a Guy I mean My My My My Your Like Elegant Flyy...U Got that Super Bass... And I Love it...THE END

-GoodMorning It's V

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I want to Direct this Music Video...Love and Rihanna Are For GAYS...Both of Which make me Happy

                                    It's Always Goin' Be Complicated 
                                                  Embrace It 
                                                    - VaVa

Aye YOU, No You, The BLASE ONE...

I'm not good at introductions so this may not be a proper one but I'm V...Hola...Blogging unofficially since 08 it is now early Eleven... LATE, EARLY and definitely Messy...Let's see if we can stick to THIS... This isn't about Fashion or Lifestyle it's about Movement and Monotony , Color and Blank Slates, Rebellion and Conformity... The Fashion and Lifestyle is just a Given with Living...It's about WANTING TO DO EVERYTHING AND THEN SOMETIMES NOTHING AT ALL...EXPLORATION for the easily JADED. Don't expect anything from this Blog but then again you can expect Everything. In short I dedicate this to the Blase Blase's of the world such as myself Moved by Everything pushed by Nothing...The Hearts that fear flight but take risk cause they are in love with Destinations...All the Ambitious Gurls who aren't interested in Racing, U know who U are arms folded midday DayDreamer U so Blase...Pause before this intro becomes LATE... Hahaha...BLASE AMBITION B Before A *CHEESE* and  I promise Clarity comes with Time. 

                                                            - Just V

Thursday, January 13, 2011

FEAR Of Flight...But In Love With DESTINATIONS...AMbitious Gurl U so BLASE

    Blasé Gurl Got Ambitious Moves
                                                            - V